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Ouvertures et Mieux-Etre

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“OME” (Ouvertures et Mieux-Etre - Openings and “better”-being) is an association born from the encounter of three worlds: (1) Buddhism, (2) personal development and wellbeing, and (3) the world of education and training in underprivileged contexts, most particularly in languages.

Through its multiple activities, the association wishes to favour the opening to oneself and to others, and the “better”-being it entails.

The statutes of the association (see extracts – in French) foresee that from its creation, the product of the activities would be aimed at supporting projects, both on a national and international level (in Nepal). These projects preferably have humanitarian or educative objectives.


The opening to oneself, i.e. discover oneself and accept oneself fully, is of course the first decisive step. The activities proposed by OME tend to favour this knowledge and opening to oneself: workshops, seminars, conferences, meditation and consultations in psycho-astrology.
It is obviously as important to open oneself to others. All our activities register themselves in this dynamic, and in particular our language courses and seminars or linguistic trips abroad.


We live a hectic time, which destabilizes many of us. Powerful energies are at work and many find it difficult to find peace, joy and a balanced life. All this is however possible, despite all the appearances and beliefs that hamper or agitate us. This is what OME endeavours to demonstrate through its activities, aiming at fostering better-being for all of us.
In summary: open to oneself, open to others to feel better while serving a wider goal.


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O.M.E. asbl

Rue de la Sapinière, 35
1170 Bruxelles

Tel./Fax : 02/452.28.23


Concept & Design by OME asbl. Content and all rights strictly reserved.

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